Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Moto Tour of Big Sur Coast-2010

After a very leisurely start, a dear friend and I began our tour of the Big Sur Coast. A few weeks prior, I rode most of the same route by bicycle and turned back North to Marin County due to a very cold rainstorm which pelted me mercilessly. The weather was magnificent, cool and crisp on the first day, but almost 10 degrees warmer the second. Thank goodness for my spanking, brand-new heated gloves and jacket liner. It performed a yeoman's duty, indeed! This day, 11/30/2010, we rode all the way to Big Sur, actually, Deetjen's Big Sur Inn, in one day, whereas by bicycle, it took 3 days: Day One: Sta Cruz, Day Two: Monterey, Day Three: Big Sur. The moto makes for a quick ride and is very exhilirating and allows for a nice stop here and there!

When we arrived at Deetjen's, the hotel was a bit bewildered on the reservation (I recommend making sure they send you the confirmation code when making reservations). On my bicycle ride, I stayed in Grandpa's room, which was definitely on the "main drag" for locals who live in the hills on the road which actually passes through Deetjen's. The rooms upstairs are substantially more quiet, although the walls are all still paper-thin! After a nice dinner at the nearby Nepenthe Restaurant, just up the road, I conked out quickly.

The next day, I decided to accompany my friend down the coast past the Hearst Castle where we checked out the massive visitor's entrance/cafe/museum/gift shop to Cambria and to cut over to Hiway 101. This was my first time to this grandiose-appearing castle on the hill, and although I didn't go on the tour, I could tell it will be impressive!

I found the stretch between Big Sur and Cambria to be especially beautiful, flat and have already made mental notes for a "credit card"-style bicyle tour, staying at Pfeiffer State Park, Kirk Creek State Park campground or Treebone's and then powering the rest of the way to perhaps San Simeon. After Cambria, you're mostly in towns the rest of the way. It's the Big Sur Coast that's the real pay-off. If I were to complete the ride, I would seriously consider just going to San Luis Obispo and taking the train to wherever!
Well, as such, my friend and I ended up going through to San Luis Obispo, where I stayed at the Madonna Inn, in the "Sweepstakes Room". My friend continued on their journey. I have to say, this having been the first time I've been to the Madonna Inn, I'm impressed! The hotel is definitely "over the top" in terms of kitsch, glamour and a "beauty in the eyes of the beholder"-frame of mind beauty. At least in my opinion! All the rooms have a cool theme to them, and Alex Madonna and his wife had an amazing sense of style, not to mention considerable resources which have imparted an unmistakable sense of style to the entire facility, making it unusually warm and homey, to me at least.
My room was very horsey-themed, which was super-apropos, as my friend is a horse afficionado! Nice!
As the holidays were close, Santa was seen hanging out on the coast but was a bit camera-shy this day. He did leave a little reminder while he went on a hike on the sparkly beach below!
<-at Hearst Castle On coast near Gorda ---->

There's something about the whole area that makes you appreciate nature and give you that tingly happy feeling to be alive.

This last shot is a picture of my friend and I just before she left to visit friends in other parts of So. Cal. as I stayed one nite at the Madonna Inn before riding for almost 5 hours to cover 250 miles Northbound to Marin County, California.

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